3 Simple Ways to Spend Less & Stress Less This Christmas
Are you already in stress mode about gifts, money, and ALL of the things swirling in your mind for Christmas?
If so, read more for some simple steps in preparing and planning for Christmas.
1. Create a Plan
This is a big one, but once you get it all out of your head and on paper or a spreadsheet, you will feel so much more calm and peace.
In this plan you will:
Set a bottom line budget
o What do you want to spend this year?
o What can you realistically afford?
Decide who you are buying for
o List all kids/family/friends/teachers you normally buy for
Decide what gifts REALLY need to be purchased and estimate prices for them
o If over budget, re-work the people or the items to get down to your bottom line budget
2. Stop “Should-ing”
We all do it…”I should get this person a gift”, “I should go to that party”, and the list of shoulds go on and on.
When you catch yourself thinking “I should” – stop and check yourself.
Why? Is it because someone else wants you to? Or you feel like you have to?
Or is it because you know it would bring joy to someone that you love? Or know it would make you a better person in some way?
Let’s all get better at saying no when necessary. It’s ok to say no.
3. Shop Smart
Look for lower priced alternatives…thrifting, price check various websites, check resale sites for big ticket items.
Example - Your kid wants an LOL house or a trampoline…check Facebook Marketplace and other re-sale sites for a barely used one.
Also look for refurbished iPhones, iPads, etc. We have purchase both from Amazon and had great results with refurbished and saved a LOT of money.
Use a Christmas budget template – optional (see mine here if want to use it for FREE) .
Most of all, remember what the season is all about. It’s not about spending money and stressing about the perfect gift. It’s about celebrating the birth of Jesus and spending time with loved ones.
I hope this give you a plan for more peace and less stress this Christmas!